Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our First Blog

This is both of ours first blogging experience. I thought it was about time we create something like this since alot of our other friends are creating blogs too. It is such a great way to keep updated on the important events going on in our lives and display it with a personal touch! Adam and I have been married for about 7 months now and together a little over 7 years all together. This is a way for us to begin journaling our experiences together to help us keep track of them all and share them with everyone else. Time flies by so fast and before you know if we will be celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary and our newlywed days will be a distant thing of the past. Its time to celebrate our moments with all of our family and friends to help us remember the good old times :) Here's to the documentation of The Hubbard Resident - forever and always...
Adam and Krista


Kurt said...

NICE WORK! Its a tall order you've set up... but I think you can do it. If only for your own personal memorable journaling

If I never check this again...its because I'll prefer to know you in person :-)

Anonymous said...

DARLING background! love it! excited or the bloggin to begin!

Amers425 said...

OK GET GOING!!! You guys are taking too long!

P.S. I am totally going to a Twilight Release Party at Hot Topic. (hehe) They are having an Edward look-a-like!! I am so excited!