As I sit in bed writing this blog, I feel a sense of peace and yet excitement about our future. We recently have decided to move into my parent's old house and move out of the first house we lived in together. That means we have until October 1st to pack up our things and head down the street! Oh, and with that, Adam and I will be gaining 2 roommates! Jess is moving in with us and my fluffy and adorable cat Billy will be staying at the house.
Along with this move comes alot of preparation and work-around. Adam has been working ton at the fire station and when he isn't working he has been studying like a champ. He has at least two firefighting tests coming up in September. He has been doing such an amazing job staying disciplined and working diligently to take on all of his responsibilities 100%. I am so proud of him and find myself doing extra work around the house to make sure he has time for his workload.
With the next chapter of our marriage beginning to unfold, we have found a new meaning of teamwork. Moving into our new home and raising the bar on our existing challenges have brought us a new sense of joy to share with each other. Oh, and if I haven't mentioned it before, we are excited to not have carpet in our kitchen, be able to wash our dishes in a dishwasher, and relax in our backyard!
And for me, I can't wait to take nice hot bubble baths. As for Adam, he finally has a garage to work in again and a place for his tools.
Looking back on this last year, I will agree with the piece of advice The Quinn's wrote to us in our wedding card; "If you put the hard work in now, it will be rewarding in the long-run." Adam and I recall that quote often and can honestly say that though this year was hard, our relationship is better for it. We can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us!